- Written by agriadmin
- Published: 05 Apr 2017
Music is the universal language of mankind. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
AgriSmart Chairman, H. David Meyers (bio, tag), at the celebration following his chief coronation ceremony plays on his oboe the 4th movement of Beethoven Choral Symphony number 9. Magically, the entire village sang the song, without words, in unison with perfect pitch and rhythm and the drummers picked up the tempo and added an African beat.
AgriSmart, Inc. Changing the Face of a Continent
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Posted in About Côte d’Ivoire, Leaders
Tagged Assokro Village, Claude Michel Dutauziet, clean water, good health and well-being, H David Meyers, quality education, Sustainable Development Goals, Walt Warme
Posted in About Côte d’Ivoire, Leaders
Tagged Assokro Village, Claude Michel Dutauziet, clean water, good health and well-being, H David Meyers, quality education, Sustainable Development Goals, Walt Warme