AgriSmart, Inc. Côte d'Ivoire is Partnering for Realization of the Sustainable Development Goals
AgriSmart, Inc. is a sustainable development company in PPP public-private partnership with the governemnts of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) and the Mai-Ndombe Province in RDC République démocratique du Congo, the second largest Province of the DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo. (Our Partners) AgriSmart is breathing life into the Côte d’Ivoire government's reforestation initiatives together with raising the DRC and Côte d’Ivoire economies through the creation of an array of long-term financially rewarding jobs in a range of industries involved in the production of sustainable palm oil. Palm oil production has generated a bunch of well deserved bad media these past few years from the oppressive, destructive practices of giant multinational corporations with massive monoculture palm oil plantations in Malaysia, Indonesia, and South America. These companies employ locals for pennies a day and send the real profits overseas, while using harsh, non-eco-friendly chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Devastating resultants of these practices include the crippling of socio economic progress for native farmworkers, elimination of vegetation diversity, the destruction of soil quality, the wiping out of habitats, and the increased endangerment of native species to near extinction, such as the orangutan and sumatran tiger. Great news: that’s all changing now! Palm oil is now now being sustainably produced by inclusive minded business with primary concern for people and our planet first, which naturally leads to high profits (Do well by doing good blog). Oil palms are originally from West Africa in Côte d’Ivoire and neighboring countries. Here palm oil trees naturally flourish as a native vegetation of the habitat and a symbiotic inhabitant of the ecosystem providing an abundance of benefits to plant diversity and wildlife as food and shelter, plus ensuring food security for the native people. AgriSmart is greatly furthering reforestation initiatives in Côte d’Ivoire with a sustainable agriculture system of intercropping palm oil trees between existing vegetation, called taungya, which naturally generates optimal yields from farming in harmony with nature. (Read more.. on palm oil in Côte d’Ivoire) AgriSmart is changing the face of palm oil production as we know it! The sustainable business model of AgriSmart embraces reducing labor and increasing profitability for farm employees through the use of modernized, sustainable, intensive agriculture methods. AgriSmart’s dedication to inclusive business includes paying farm workers in Côte d’Ivoire higher-than-average-paying jobs, supporting racial and gender equality in our equal opportunity employment practices, along with supplying free healthcare to employees and their families, and furnishing free smart housing to farming employees in Côte d’Ivoire. Embodied in AgriSmart's sustainable agriculture commitment to protecting our planet with environmentally responsible practices is using only FDA approved organic fertilizers and pesticides. AgriSmart does not use any GMOs. We grow only healthy, all-natural, organic, locally consumed agricultural commodities. To avoid waste and complete the cycle of sustainable operations, the palm oil produced by AgriSmart also readily recycles into reuse as biodiesel, a sustainable alternative to petroleum diesel, after use as Africa’s most popular cooking oil. Biodiesel production plans are currently underway, which will create more jobs and further boost the Côte d’Ivoire economy closer to realizing productive capacity. Founded by H. David Meyers (bio | tag | interview | youtube), who is no stranger to remarkable business success, the AgriSmart international collaborative is made up of top expert entrepreneurs in their fields (Our team). Meyers, a philanthropist and sustainable development authority, is an in-touch leader, having personal involvement with- and hands-on awareness of every facet of business operations in the US and Côte d'Ivoire. We operate with an inclusive concern for all people and our planet, while generating markedly high, steadily increasing profits for all involved and leaving the world a better place for future generations to come. We are the new face of inclusive business and we are here to stay for the sustainable future (Ubuntu, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad? blog). Together we are making big changes in how business is done. We are AgriSmart. Thank you for your support!AgriSmart, Inc. ? Changing the Face of a Continent
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Agri Smart, Inc. is the new face of inclusive business and sustainable palm oil in Côte d'Ivoire.

Agri Smart, Inc.
U.S. headquarters: Agri Smart, Inc. | 725 Rockville Pike, 3rd Floor Rockville, MD 20852
+1 301 417 4588 | Contact Us
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